1. Show HN: Compose2nix - 轻松实现 NixOS 和 Docker Compose Compose2nix – NixOS and Docker Compose made easy (github.com)
6. Show HN: 生成图像。获取明信片。(在您拿到明信片之前都是保密的) Generate Image. Get Postcard. (Secret until you have it in your hands) (www.mailkiwi.com)
8. Show HN: TailwindCSS-motion / 在 Tailwind CSS 中制作动画的简单语法 TailwindCSS-motion / a simple syntax to animate in Tailwind CSS (github.com)
9. Show HN: 可批量删除和删除个人数据的 Gmail 取消订阅工具 The Gmail unsubscribe tool with bulk deletion and personal data removal (againstdata.com)
10. Show HN: Ghostport - 一种基于 Rust 的端口欺骗工具,用于迷惑网络扫描仪 Ghostport – a Rust-based port spoofing tool to confuse network scanners (github.com)
11. Show HN: 一款人工智能电话呼叫工具,可呼叫线索进行预约 An AI phone calling tool that calls leads to book appointments (www.callfa.st)
12. Show HN: 游乐场应用程序 - 专门用于寻找游乐场的移动应用程序 The Playground App – mobile app specific for finding playgrounds (news.ycombinator.com)
13. Show HN: 使用网络浏览器进行网络抓取:机器人挑战 Web Scraping with Your Web Browser: Bot Challenges (8chananon.github.io)
15. Show HN: FFmpeg-over-IP - 连接到远程 FFmpeg 服务器 FFmpeg-over-IP – Connect to remote FFmpeg servers (github.com)
20. Show HN: AffEasy - 从一个地方管理所有联属网络 AffEasy – Manage All Your Affiliate Networks from One Place (affeasy.link)
21. Show HN: WebLLM Playground - 在浏览器中通过 WebGPU 运行 LLM WebLLM Playground – Run LLMs in the Browser on WebGPU (cfahlgren1-webllm-playground.static.hf.space)
22. Show HN: 用任何语言从头开始构建 Kafka 代理 Build a Kafka broker from scratch, in any language (news.ycombinator.com)
23. Show HN: ArXiv Pulse - 将 ArXiv 论文的人工智能摘要发送到您的收件箱 ArXiv Pulse – AI summaries of ArXiv papers delivered to your inbox (www.arxivpulse.com)
24. Show HN: PII 侦探,利用 LLM 实现经济高效的 PII 检测 PII Detective, Leveraging LLMs for Cost-Effective PII Detection (github.com)
25. Show HN: 我为赛车迷和幻想玩家制作了一个 F1 AI I built an F1 AI for racing fans and fantasy players (chatgrandprixai.com)
26. Show HN: One - 统一网络和本地 + 本地优先的全新 React 框架 One – A new React Framework unifying web and native + local-first (onestack.dev)
27. Show HN: 可按新鲜度排序的 Hacker News 前端 Hacker News front end that can be sorted by freshness (douwe.com)
31. Show HN: 查找任何吉他和弦的名称 -(无人工智能工具) Find the name of any guitar chord – (NO AI-based tool) (www.fachords.com)
32. Show HN: 首款 3D 立体音乐可视器 Baryon 让声音变得可见 Make sound visible with the first 3D cymatic music visualizer Baryon (baryon.live)
35. Show HN: 切比雪夫近似计算器(开源网络应用程序) Chebyshev approximation calculator (open source web app) (stuffmatic.com)
36. Show HN: Podial - 从任何文档生成引人入胜的教育播客 Podial – Generate engaging educational podcasts from any documents (news.ycombinator.com)
38. Show HN: 使用 Golang 测试新的 OpenAI 实时 API Testing the New OpenAI Realtime API with Golang (github.com)
39. Show HN: MQTT Alive 守护进程 - 向家庭助理报告自定义命令结果 MQTT Alive Daemon – Report Custom Command Results to Home Assistant (news.ycombinator.com)
41. Show HN: 我制作了一个免费的 iOS 洛尔卡纳卡片价格扫描器 I made a free iOS Lorcana cards price scanner (apps.apple.com)
42. Show HN: 学习音乐播放器 - 一键式扩展,播放可提高注意力的音乐 Study Music Player – One-click extension for focus-enhancing music (chromewebstore.google.com)
44. Show HN: Repoforge.io - Python、NPM 和 Docker 的私有仓库 Repoforge.io – private repo for Python, NPM and Docker (www.repoforge.io)
46. Show HN: 使用艾森豪威尔矩阵确定待办事项的优先顺序,并将其分解 Prioritise your to-do list with Eisenhower Matrix, and break them down (www.zendo.cc)
48. Show HN: 我创建了一个网站,帮助个人快速使用 Flux 进行设计 I create a site to assist individuals quickly in designing using Flux (www.fluxpro.ai)
51. Show HN: 我为独立创始人建立了一份 Product Hunt 替代产品列表 I built a list of Product Hunt alternatives for indie founders (phalternatives.com)
52. Show HN: Max - 为繁忙的专业人士提供人工智能驱动的绩效考核撰写工具 Max – AI-powered performance review writer for busy professionals (trymaxreview.com)
54. Show HN: 我为世界上的任何话题制作了一个人工智能新闻摘要器 I made an AI news summariser for any topic in the world (smartrecaps.com)
55. Show HN: 我制作了一款以 Windows XP 为主题的梦幻足球游戏 I made a Windows XP themed fantasy football game (drive.google.com)
56. Show HN: 一键将网页转换为 markdown Chrome 扩展(供法律硕士使用) One-click webpage to markdown Chrome extension (for LLM use) (chromewebstore.google.com)
57. Show HN: Shots Maker - 利用人工智能实现时尚摄影自动化 Shots Maker – Automate fashion photoshoots with AI (shotsmaker.com)
60. Show HN: 以自己为主角,创作一个科幻故事 Generate a science fiction story with yourself as the main character (storyzen.co)
61. Show HN: 用于排序和比较 JSON 文件的 VSCode 扩展 VSCode extension to sort and compare JSON files (marketplace.visualstudio.com)
62. Show HN: 由 Podlite 标记语言驱动的乐库知识库(开源) The Raku Knowledge Base powered by Podlite markup language(Open-Source) (raku-knowledge-base.podlite.org)
63. Show HN: TabGPT - 一键同时询问 ChatGPT、Gemini 和 Claude TabGPT – Ask ChatGPT, Gemini and Claude at the same time with one click (chromewebstore.google.com)
65. Show HN: 极具挑战性的无限跳跃游戏,包含大量炸弹 A challenging, infinite jumping game with lots of bombs (dotventure.vercel.app)
66. Show HN: 将 Hackernew 的招聘主题自动化为 Markdown Automating Hackernew's hiring thread to Markdown (github.com)
68. Show HN: 计算机视觉模型的开源评估和测试 Open-Source Evaluation and Testing for Computer Vision Models (github.com)
70. Show HN: Reverb ASR+Diarization,适用于长格式音频的最佳开源 ASR Reverb ASR+Diarization, the Best Open Source ASR for Long-Form Audio (news.ycombinator.com)
71. Show HN: 我发布了一个移动 HN 客户端,与 HN 用户一起喝咖啡聊天 I have published a mobile HN client to have coffee chat with HN users (news.ycombinator.com)
72. Show HN: 自动转录/为视频添加字幕 - Python OpenAI Whisper Wrapper 和图形用户界面 Auto Transcribe/Subtitle Videos – Python OpenAI Whisper Wrapper and GUI (github.com)
73. Show HN: 高能效语言模式只需 "加法 Addition is All You Need for Energy-efficient Language Models (huggingface.co)
74. Show HN: PhraseVault - Windows 上用于片段的源码优先文本扩展器 PhraseVault – Source First Text Expander for Snippets on Windows (phrasevault.app)
75. Show HN: 我为开发人员制作了一个路线图/入职培训工具(经过 7 个月的努力)。 I made a roadmaps/onboarding tool for devs (after 7 months of work) (get-aboard.co)
76. Show HN: Lookie AI - 在移动设备上阅读 YouTube 视频 Lookie AI – Read YouTube videos on mobile (www.lookie.so)
79. Show HN: 推特上无僵尸的点赞交换 P2P 社区 (X) Bot-free P2P community for likes exchange in Twitter (X) (upvote.club)
80. Show HN: BRI 计算器 - 免费、开源的身体圆度指数工具 BRI Calculator – A free, open-source Body Roundness Index tool (bri-calculator.com)
81. Show HN: 使用 DigitalOcean 函数和 MaxMind GeoLite2 的 GeoIP API GeoIP API Using DigitalOcean Functions and MaxMind GeoLite2 (github.com)
82. Show HN: 活的博物馆--用人工智能探索大英博物馆 The Living Museum – Explore the British Museum with AI (www.livingmuseum.app)
84. Show HN: Mastogram - 连接 Mastodon 和 Telegram 的强大桥梁 Mastogram – Powerful Bridge for Mastodon and Telegram (mastogr.am)
86. Show HN: MailWizard - 借助人工智能的 Gmail 助手,轻松发送电子邮件 MailWizard – AI-powered Gmail assistant for effortless emailing (news.ycombinator.com)
88. Show HN: 使用 GenSearch 创建自己的自定义 Perplexity Build your own custom Perplexity with GenSearch (gensearch.serenebase.com)
89. Show HN: 转发短信 - 自动将短信转发至电子邮件、Slack、Discord 或 MS Teams Forward SMS – Auto-Forward SMS to Email, Slack, Discord or MS Teams (forward-sms.app)
90. Show HN: Orbit GraphQL - 适用于 GraphQL API 的开源缓存服务器 Orbit GraphQL – An open source cache server for your GraphQL API (github.com)
91. Show HN: 我在 Bubble.io 上创建了一个 padel 活动日程安排工具,它很好用 I built a padel event scheduling tool on Bubble.io – and it works (padel.events)
92. Show HN: Halcyon - 缓解日常焦虑的照片笔记应用程序 Halcyon – Photo-Note App to Ease Daily Anxieties (testflight.apple.com)
93. Show HN: 我们制作了一个网站,让您轻松分担餐厅账单 We made a site to split your restaurant bills effortlessly (bilito.fun)
96. Show HN: 我制作了一款 iOS 应用程序,用于创建和扩展您的图像 I made an iOS app to create and expand your images (www.getretouchai.app)
101. Show HN: 我制作了一个应用程序,用于可视化生活和与亲人相聚的时间 I made an app for visualizing life and time left with loved ones (calledmom.com)
102. Show HN: Loata;您已将数据存储在云中,现在请存储您的知识 Loata; You've stored your data in the cloud, now store your knowledge (www.loata.ai)
103. Show HN: 输入主题、YouTube URL、PDF 或文本,几秒钟内获取 PPT Enter Topic, YouTube URL, PDF, or Text to Get a PPT in Seconds (www.magicslides.app)
104. Show HN: State-in-url 软件包,用于通过 URL 同步进行状态管理 State-in-url package for state management with URL sync (github.com)
105. Show HN: MHScrape,一款用于搜索印尼学生学术细节的不和谐机器人 MHScrape, a discord bot for scraping Indonesian student academic detail (github.com)
106. Show HN: BeerBot - 使用 python 通过 whatsapp 自动发出诗意的酒吧邀请 BeerBot – Automate poetic pub invites through whatsapp using python (github.com)
107. Show HN: TabGPT - 在 Chrome 浏览器中同时询问双子座、聊天 GPT、克劳德 TabGPT - Ask Gemini, ChatGPT, Claude at the Same Time in Chrome (franz101.substack.com)
108. Show HN: 我策划了 500 个 YouTube 每日冲浪视频,按日期和时间顺序排列 I curated 500 YouTube daily surfing videos, organised by date and break (swelldiary.com)
109. Show HN: 在后台线程中运行异步代码的 Python 库 A Python library for running async code in background threads (github.com)
111. Show HN: 我制作了一个浏览器内人工智能代理,用于修复 Node、TS 和 JavaScript 中的错误 I made a in-browser AI agent for fixing bugs in Node, TS and JavaScript (news.ycombinator.com)
112. Show HN: Recodez - 在浏览器中生成代码项目 Recodez – Generate code projects in the browser (www.recodez.com)
113. Show HN: 我的语音 AI 对您进行采访,然后为您撰写 LI / X 文章 My Voice AI interviews you, then writes your LI / X posts (news.ycombinator.com)
114. Show HN: Storacha 万圣节黑客马拉松--利用分散存储进行构建 Storacha Halloween Hackathon – Build with Decentralized Storage (taikai.network)
115. Show HN: 我制作了一款用户界面简洁、教授编程的应用程序 I made an app that teaches programming with a clean UI (apps.apple.com)
116. Show HN: Temp.now - 免费的临时一次性电子邮件生成器 Temp.now – A free temporary disposable email generator (temp.now)
119. Show HN: 创建了一个工具,用于定制简历和跟踪求职申请 Built a Tool to Job Tailored Resumes and Track Job Applications (synthresume.com)
120. Show HN: 高效 LLM 标记、微调和模型提炼的新工具 New Tool for Efficient LLM labeling, fine-tuning and model distillation (news.ycombinator.com)
122. Show HN: Kameo - 用于构建容错、异步演员的 Rust 库 Kameo – a Rust library for building fault-tolerant, async actors (github.com)
125. Show HN: Topcast - Google NotebookLM 播客功能的开源替代方案 Topcast – Open-Source Alternative to Google NotebookLM Podcast Feature (github.com)
127. Show HN: Compose - 只需后端代码即可构建内部工具 Compose – Build internal tools with just back end code (composehq.com)
128. Show HN: Hashnode 的文档,我们在 2024 年打造了另一款文档产品,原因如下 Docs by Hashnode, we built another docs product in 2024, here's why (news.ycombinator.com)
129. Show HN: 时间序列断点检测工具(在浏览器中运行) Time Series Breakpoint Detection Tool (Runs in Browser) (tractionroad.com)
130. Show HN: Obzev0,适用于 K8s 和非 K8s 环境的混沌工程工具 Obzev0, Chaos engineering tool for K8s and non-K8s environments (github.com)
133. Show HN: Valv - 经正式验证的 KMS,可替代 HashiCorp Vault Valv – Formally Verified KMS Alternative to HashiCorp Vault (github.com)
135. Show HN: TailConverter - 将 CSS 转换为尾风 CSS 的最简单方法 TailConverter – The easiest way to convert CSS to Tailwind CSS (tailconverter.com)
137. Show HN: 我们制作了一个直接从 Figma 发布网站的工具 We made a tool for publishing a website directly from Figma (detachless.com)
138. Show HN: 我们利用同态加密技术制作了一款加密 DNA 检测应用程序 We made an encrypted DNA testing app using Homomorphic Encryption (huggingface.co)
139. Show HN: Vendeo,在销售页面上吸引、告知并转化访客 Vendeo, Captivate, Inform and Convert Your Visitors on Your Sales Pages (www.vendeo.io)
141. Show HN: 我写了一本书,讲述科技博客如何帮助我的职业生涯(也能帮助你) I wrote a book on how tech blogging helped my career (and can help you) (news.ycombinator.com)
142. Show HN: 比特能源--利用 L-Mul 将人工智能的能耗降低 95 BitEnergy-Cutting AI's Energy Use by 95% with L-Mul (bitenergy.ai)
145. Show HN: 在浏览器中运行的开源图像转换器,由 LibVips WASM 提供支持 Open-source image converter runs in browser, powered by LibVips WASM (bannerify.co)
146. Show HN: new.space - E2EE 文件共享、笔记和协作 new.space – E2EE file sharing, notes, and collaboration (new.space)
148. Show HN: 适用于 OpenBSD、Linux 和 macOS 的 Sanctum VPN 守护进程 Sanctum VPN daemon for OpenBSD, Linux and macOS (sanctorum.se)
149. Show HN: 我做了一个游戏,你可以在无人知晓的情况下玩(无视觉/声音) I made a game you can play without anyone knowing (No Visuals/Sound) (apps.apple.com)
155. Show HN: Zero - 现代前端开发的无框架方法 Zero – A no-framework approach to modern front end development (github.com)
156. Show HN: 我们开发了首个 WordPress 调整器,可在上传前调整图片大小 We made the first WordPress Resizer that resizes images pre-upload (news.ycombinator.com)
157. Show HN: 我做了一个简单的语音备忘录应用程序,你可以用语音查询 I made a simple voice memo app that you can query using your voice (memaudio.orelfactory.fr)
158. Show HN: 转向 ChatGent--具有引导式访谈功能的人工智能 LinkedIn 工具 Pivoting to ChatGent – AI-Powered LinkedIn Tool with Guided Interviews (chatgent.com)
159. Show HN: 我制作了一个由 GPT-4o mini 支持的测验助手 I made a quiz assistant powered by GPT-4o mini (chromewebstore.google.com)
162. Show HN: 网络 DNA 剖析器 (CDNAP) - 开放源码网络安全分析工具 Cyber DNA Profiler (CDNAP) – Open-source cybersecurity analysis tool (github.com)
164. Show HN: RealtimeAPI - 像人类一样与人工智能实时对话 RealtimeAPI – Talking with AI in Realtime Like a Human (realtimeapi.net)
166. Show HN: 结束语 - 免费的加州法定遗嘱生成器 Wrapping Things Up – A Free California Statutory Will Generator (www.wrappingthingsup.com)
167. Show HN: Gato 提示语 - 用 JSON 格式保持提示语内容和回复简短 Gato Prompt Lang – keep prompt content and responses short in JSON (github.com)
169. Show HN: 使用 Cloudflare DNS over HTTPS API 批量搜索域名 TLD Using Cloudflare DNS over HTTPS API to bulk search domain TLDs (supersaas.dev)
171. Show HN: 从植物时代开始--进化模拟进行时 Starting with the Plant Age – Evolutionary simulation in progress (news.ycombinator.com)
172. Show HN: OpenAI 新实时应用程序接口的语音转语音游戏场 Speech-to-speech playground for OpenAI's new Realtime API (playground.livekit.io)
173. Show HN: DnsTrace - 使用 BPF 监控主机进程的 DNS 查询 DnsTrace - Monitor DNS Queries by host processes using BPF (github.com)
174. Show HN: 与 Linktree 类似,但可以分享您最喜欢的书籍、食物等。 Like Linktree, but to share your favorite books, foods, etc. (favedec.com)
175. Show HN: TextSnap - 使用人工智能准确设置文本格式的开源工具 TextSnap – Open-Source Tool for Accurate Text Formatting Using AI (www.textsnap.app)
177. Show HN: 厌倦了寻找销售聊天机器人,于是自己制作了一个 Got tired of looking for sales chatbot, so built my own (www.hachlyai.com)
180. Show HN: 我创建了一个简单的 ProductHunt 替代方案 I built a simple alternative to ProductHunt (showcasemywebsite.com)
182. Show HN: Simplicity AI,生成与人类无异的 AI 产品照片 Simplicity AI, generate AI product photos indistinguishable from humans (simplicity.ai)
184. Show HN: 和谐积木 - 帮助人们放松和集中注意力的镇静游戏 Harmony Blocks – A calming game to help people relax and focus (github.com)
185. Show HN: 多付房贷还是投资?我制作了一个计算器,帮助您做出决定 Overpay mortgage or invest? I built a calculator to help you decide (showloan.info)
188. Show HN: MergeForShorts - 裁剪和合并短片、卷轴和 TikTok 视频 MergeForShorts – Crop and Merge videos for shorts,reels and TikTok (github.com)
190. Show HN: Codevex - 您轻松共享代码的 CLI 伴侣 Codevex – Your CLI Companion for Effortless Code Sharing (www.codevex.dev)
191. Show HN: Credentials.new - 将 PII 数据屏蔽在工作区工具、电子邮件或聊天工具之外 Credentials.new – Keep PII data out of workspace tools, email or chat (app.onboardbase.com)
193. Show HN: 简易电子表格计算器 (sc-im) 已上线 Spreadsheet Calculator Improvised (sc-im) is now online (exaequos.com)
198. Show HN: Dr.Ailexa - 数字健康文章和人工智能新闻快速摘要 Dr.Ailexa – Quick Summaries of Digital Health Articles and AI News (yesilscience.com)
199. Show HN: 我构建了 Vidscriber,以更快地观看 YouTube 和 Twitter 视频 I Build Vidscriber to watch YouTube and Twitter videos faster (vidscriber.ai)
200. Show HN: 开源 Sourcegraph 替代软件 Sourcebot Sourcebot, an open-source Sourcegraph alternative (github.com)
202. Show HN: 延迟低于 1 秒的实时人工智能视频代理 A real time AI video agent with under 1 second of latency (news.ycombinator.com)
203. Show HN: ArtifyMaster - 面向创作者的人工智能图像编辑平台 ArtifyMaster – AI-Powered Image Editing Platform for Creators (www.artifymaster.com)
204. Show HN: StratoCyberLab - 用于练习攻击和防御的本地网络靶场 StratoCyberLab – Local cyber range to practice attacking and defending (github.com)
206. Show HN: Chatgpt.trading,Make Money with AI Chatgpt.trading,Make Money with AI (chatgpt.trading)
208. Show HN: Toqito - 用于量子信息理论研究的 Python 库 Toqito–A Python library for research in quantum information theory (github.com)
210. Show HN: Kairos - 开放源码 eBPF 恶意软件分析框架 Kairos – Open-Source eBPF Malware Analysis Framework (github.com)
211. Show HN: Jsonltui - 用于检查和调试 JSONL 解析的快速 TUI 和 webui Jsonltui – Fast TUI and webui to inspect and debug parsing JSONL (github.com)
212. Show HN: 操纵杆 - 现代远程配置;即时更新游戏等 Joystick – Modern Remote Config; Instantly Update Games and More (docs.getjoystick.com)
215. Show HN: Iam-Expand - 扩展 AWS 行动通配符 Iam-Expand – Expand AWS Action Wildcards (iam.cloudcopilot.io)
217. Show HN: 新兴思维 - 面向计算机科学家的人工智能研究助理 Emergent Mind – AI Research Assistant for Computer Scientists (www.emergentmind.com)
219. Show HN: 集中反馈、发掘洞察力、量化定性数据 Centralize feedback, Uncover insights, Quantify qualitative data (usepainboard.com)
220. Show HN: TeslaGrab - 带有价格警报的全球特斯拉库存跟踪器(免费) TeslaGrab – Global Tesla inventory tracker with price alerts (free) (teslagrab.com)
221. Show HN: Pumpanomics.com(逆向工程 uniswap V2 逻辑) Pumpanomics.com (Reverse engineer uniswap V2 logic) (www.pumpanomics.com)
222. Show HN: 产品搜索大战即将来临,这里有替代方案 ProductHunt war is coming, here's the alternatives (www.launchalternative.com)
223. Show HN: LitLytics - 简单的开源 LLM 驱动的数据分析 LitLytics – simple open source LLM-driven data analytics (github.com)
224. Show HN: Capital Companion - 提供个性化见解的人工智能财务顾问 Capital Companion – AI financial advisor for personalized insights (capitalcompanion.ai)
225. Show HN: Agentmaxx - 分析并提高您的面部吸引力 Agentmaxx – analyze and improve your facial attractiveness (www.agentmaxx.ai)
226. Show HN: Dynamiq - 面向代理人工智能和 LLM 应用的协调框架 Dynamiq – orchestration framework for agentic AI and LLM applications (github.com)
227. Show HN: Stricli - 一种新的 TypeScript 类型安全 CLI 框架 Stricli – a new TypeScript-type-safe CLI framework (bloomberg.github.io)
228. Show HN: Pyzam - 识别并可视化终端中的歌曲 Pyzam – Recognize and Visualize Songs from Your Terminal (github.com)
230. Show HN: 最快的前缀搜索和按 Lex 排序的 Regex 搜索 Fastest Prefix Search and Regex search in Lex Order (github.com)
231. Show HN: 针对列表和页面详细信息的无代码抓取器(Chrome 浏览器扩展) No-Code Scraper for Lists and Page Details (Chrome Extension) (news.ycombinator.com)
233. Show HN: Crumly - 为设计创意提供即时 3D 视觉效果 Crumly – Instant 3D Visuals for Design Ideas (www.crumly.xyz)
235. Show HN: 分享您的初创公司创意,寻找其他正在研究该创意的人 Share your startup Idea, find others working on it (rantgpt.com)
237. Show HN: Srefs.co - Midjourney 风格的视觉目录 Srefs.co – The visual catalog for Midjourney styles (srefs.co)
238. Show HN: 可持续性软件 - 从生态网站托管到可持续发展目标影响评估 SustainabilitySoftwares – From eco webhosting to SDG impact assessment (www.sustainabilitysoftwares.com)
239. Show HN: 我建立了一个网站,让您轻松跟踪产品发布情况 I built a site that lets you keep track of your product launches easily (flameitup.net)
241. Show HN: 使用 Anilist 和 Discord RPC 在 CLI 上观看动画 Watch anime on CLI with Anilist and Discord RPC (github.com)
242. Show HN: 保护聊天软件隐私的浏览器扩展 PromptSecure PromptSecure, browser extension to privacy protect ChatGPT (chromewebstore.google.com)
243. Show HN: 用 React 制作一款类似 Windows XP 的复古游戏 A retro Windows XP lookalike game with React (drive.google.com)
244. Show HN: 关于大型科技公司如何将法学硕士应用于聊天机器人之外的播客 A Podcast on how LLMs are applied beyond chatbots in big tech companies (news.ycombinator.com)
245. Show HN: 我在 Magpai 制作了每日黑客新闻人工智能播客 I made a daily Hacker News AI podcast in Magpai (www.magpai.app)
246. Show HN: 利用 ONNX+TensorRT 实现 8 倍推理速度的技巧包 Bag of Tricks to 8x Faster Inference with ONNX+TensorRT (dicksonneoh.com)
247. 显示 HN:使用 Cloudflare,查询来自 120 个国家和 330 个城市的 DNS 结果 Show HN:Using Cloudflare, query DNS results from 120 countries and 330 cities (github.com)
248. Show HN: Career Minder:工作日志、目标跟踪器和你的整体职业生涯中心。 Career Minder: Work journal, goal tracker, and your overall career hub. (careerminder.io)
249. Show HN: 而不是 LinkedIn 上的 opentowork,我很绝望,因为这是真的 Instead of opentowork on LinkedIn, I'm desperate cos it's true (jasonleow.com)
250. Show HN: 转换 Markdown 文档的离线 macOS 应用程序 Offline macOS app to convert Markdown documents (docflex.app)
252. Show HN: 我创建了一个网站,帮助创业者管理他们的演出 I made a site to aid starting entrepreneurs manage their gigs (myfounderskit.com)
253. Show HN: Twinny - 用于 UGC 广告的超逼真人工智能头像 Twinny – Hyper realistic AI avatars for UGC ads (www.twinny.so)
256. Show HN: NewTabTodo Firefox 扩展用待办事项列表取代新标签页 NewTabTodo Firefox Extension replaces your new tab with todo-list (addons.mozilla.org)
257. Show HN: 一款通过键入整本书来提高触摸打字能力的应用程序 An app to improve touch typing by typing out whole books (typersguild.com)
258. Show HN: LANCommander v1.0.0 - 自主托管您的数字游戏库 LANCommander v1.0.0 – Self-host your digital game library (github.com)
260. Show HN: Facad.ls 替代方案让终端比图形用户界面更酷 Facad. The ls alternative making terminals cooler than GUIs (github.com)
262. Show HN: 由 ChatGPT 担任嘉宾的长篇播客(高级语音模式)[视频] Long-form podcast with ChatGPT as a guest (advanced voice mode) [video] (www.youtube.com)
263. Show HN: Newgrounds Dreamcast 合作项目在实际 Dreamcast 上运行 Newgrounds Dreamcast Collab Running on an Actual Dreamcast (www.newgrounds.com)
265. Show HN: 用于撰写、分析或回复电子邮件的人工智能工具 AI tools for writing, analyzing, or replying to emails (writemailai.com)
266. Show HN: 我利用人工智能情感分析建立了实时加密货币新闻聚合器 I built Real-Time Crypto news aggregator with AI sentiment analysis (voicelark.com)
267. Show HN: OneSparse - 适用于 Postgres 的加速稀疏线性代数 OneSparse – Accelerated Sparse Linear Algebra for Postgres (github.com)
268. Show HN: Hacker News 的 YRedesign(移动 iOS Safari 扩展) YRedesign for Hacker News (Mobile iOS Safari Extension) (apps.apple.com)
270. Show HN: ScreenComplete(与应用程序无关的人工智能自动填写功能) ScreenComplete (app agnostic AI auto-fill) (github.com)
271. Show HN: Jikken - 支持源控制和 CI/CD 的开源应用程序接口测试 Jikken – open-source API testing supporting source control and CI/CD (github.com)
272. Show HN: 专为初创企业打造的令人愉悦且经济实惠的 ATS The simply delightful and affordable ATS specifically made for startups (www.startblock.me)
273. Show HN: 屏幕录制 - 基于浏览器的屏幕录制器 Screen Recorded – A browser-based screen recorder (screenrecorded.com)
274. Show HN: 我制作了一款应用程序,用于改善 Alt 文本的可访问性和搜索引擎优化 I made an app to improve your alt text accessibility and SEO (www.altcheckerai.com)
276. Show HN: AsoLift - 提高应用程序商店排名的 ASO 工具 AsoLift – ASO tools to boost App Store rankings (asolift.com)
277. Show HN: Smartclip - 带插件的剪贴板管理器/应用程序启动器 Smartclip – Clipboard Manager/ Application Launcher with Plugins (github.com)
278. Show HN: 用于与 Ollama 模型聊天的本地 macOS 应用程序 Native macOS app for chatting with Ollama models (github.com)
279. Show HN: 我用 ChatGPT 制作了 Chrome 浏览器扩展,用于检查 Twitter 帖子中的语法 I made Chrome extension to check grammar in Twitter posts with ChatGPT (chromewebstore.google.com)
281. Show HN: 远程安装、更新和监控嵌入式设备的工具 Tool to Remotely Install, Update, and Monitor Embedded Devices (www.voyonic-systems.de)
283. Show HN: Wispr Flow - 全新的语音听写体验 Wispr Flow – A new voice dictation experience (news.ycombinator.com)
285. Show HN: 一款防止 AirPods 音质下降的 macOS 应用程序 A macOS app to prevent sound quality degradation on AirPods (apps.apple.com)
286. Show HN: Pipet - 利用管道在线搜索和提取数据的 CLI 工具 Pipet – CLI tool for scraping and extracting data online, with pipes (github.com)
287. Show HN: Secure.py - 简化 Python 网络应用程序的 HTTP 安全标头 Secure.py – Simplify HTTP Security Headers for Python Web Apps (github.com)
288. Show HN: 使用 eBPF 进行实时网络输入/输出和系统调用监控 Real-time Network IN/OUT and Syscall monitoring using eBPF (github.com)
290. Show HN: Aggent_joggler, 具有多代理路径规划功能的仓库模拟器 Aggent_joggler, warehouse simulator with multi-agent path planning (github.com)
291. Show HN: 将任何链接转换为由 NotebookLM 支持的播客 Turn any link into podcast powered by NotebookLM (noteai.com)
292. Show HN: 使用 AI 重命名 bluk 中的本地文件,无需上传文件或文件名 Rename local files in bluk with AI without uplaod file or filename (localfile.io)
294. Show HN: 帮助您创建网页和个人作品集的好产品 A nice product that helps you create pages, personal portfolios (subpage.io)
295. Show HN: 我制作了一个 Ruby on Rails SaaS 模板 I made a Ruby on Rails SaaS template (www.locomotive.it.com)
296. Show HN: Rocky AI - 使用人工智能与 Chrome 浏览器中的任何网页聊天 Rocky AI – Chat with any webpage in Chrome using AI (chromewebstore.google.com)
299. Show HN: Questdown.de - 使用类似 Markdown 的语法制作纸质问卷 Questdown.de – make paper-based questionnaire with Markdown-ish syntax (www.questdown.de)